.. java:import:: org.joda.time DateTime .. java:import:: org.joda.time Days .. java:import:: org.joda.time Duration .. java:import:: org.joda.time Hours .. java:import:: org.joda.time Months .. java:import:: org.joda.time ReadablePeriod .. java:import:: org.joda.time Seconds .. java:import:: org.joda.time Weeks .. java:import:: org.joda.time Years TimeUnit ======== .. java:package:: org.motechproject.mds.config :noindex: .. java:type:: public enum TimeUnit The \ ``TimeUnit``\ specifies what time unit should be used to specify time when the module trash should be cleaned. This enum is related with the property \ :java:ref:`org.motechproject.mds.util.Constants.Config.MDS_TIME_UNIT`\ . Each value from this enum can be converted to long value that presents time interval in milliseconds. For example the \ :java:ref:`HOURS`\ value is equal to {@value 3.6E6}. The \ :java:ref:`UNKNOWN`\ value should not be used in code as appropriate value. It was added to ensure that the \ :java:ref:`fromString(String)`\ method will not return {@value null} value. Enum Constants -------------- DAYS ^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TimeUnit DAYS :outertype: TimeUnit HOURS ^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TimeUnit HOURS :outertype: TimeUnit MONTHS ^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TimeUnit MONTHS :outertype: TimeUnit UNKNOWN ^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TimeUnit UNKNOWN :outertype: TimeUnit WEEKS ^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TimeUnit WEEKS :outertype: TimeUnit YEARS ^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TimeUnit YEARS :outertype: TimeUnit