.. java:import:: java.lang.annotation Documented .. java:import:: java.lang.annotation ElementType .. java:import:: java.lang.annotation Retention .. java:import:: java.lang.annotation RetentionPolicy .. java:import:: java.lang.annotation Target UIDisplayable ============= .. java:package:: org.motechproject.mds.annotations :noindex: .. java:type:: @Target @Retention @Documented public @interface UIDisplayable The \ ``UIDisplayable``\ annotation is used by developers to mark a field as being in the default display for a listing of objects. The discovery logic for this annotation is done in \ :java:ref:`org.motechproject.mds.annotations.internal.UIDisplayableProcessor`\ . Only fields, 'getter' or 'setter' methods can have this annotation for other methods this annotation is omitted. **See also:** :java:ref:`org.motechproject.mds.annotations.internal.UIDisplayableProcessor`