.. java:import:: org.motechproject.config.core MotechConfigurationException ConfigSource ============ .. java:package:: org.motechproject.config.core.domain :noindex: .. java:type:: public final class ConfigSource Represents the source from which MOTECH configuration should be read. Fields ------ FILE ^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final ConfigSource FILE :outertype: ConfigSource UI ^^ .. java:field:: public static final ConfigSource UI :outertype: ConfigSource Methods ------- getName ^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public String getName() :outertype: ConfigSource isFile ^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public boolean isFile() :outertype: ConfigSource isValid ^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public static boolean isValid(String name) :outertype: ConfigSource toString ^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @Override public String toString() :outertype: ConfigSource valueOf ^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public static ConfigSource valueOf(String name) :outertype: ConfigSource