==================== MOTECH Mailing Lists ==================== The mailing lists below are the best way to keep in touch with us. Please join the discussion! MOTECH Developers ================= Mailing list for regular contributors to the MOTECH Platform source repository - used for design discussions and other issues impacting the developer community. +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+ | motech-dev@googlegroups.com | `Join Dev List`_ | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+ .. _Join Dev List: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/motech-dev MOTECH Implementers =================== Mailing list for implementers and other users of MOTECH - used mostly for communication related to releases. Traffic is moderated and very low volume. +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+ | motech-implementers@googlegroups.com | `Join Implementers List`_ | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+ .. _Join Implementers List: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/motech-implementers