.. java:import:: org.motechproject.mds.annotations Entity .. java:import:: org.motechproject.security.constants HTTPMethod .. java:import:: org.motechproject.security.constants Protocol .. java:import:: org.motechproject.security.constants Scheme .. java:import:: java.util List MotechURLSecurityRule ===================== .. java:package:: org.motechproject.security.domain :noindex: .. java:type:: @Entity public class MotechURLSecurityRule The MotechURLSecurityRule specifies the configuration for setting up a Spring SecurityFilterChain. Details regarding configuration: .. * \ **pattern**\ - URL pattern the security rule applies to * \ **supportedSchemes**\ - Security rules that should apply to the URL, such as BASIC or OPEN_ID * \ **protocol**\ - Protocol the security rule applies to, such as HTTP or HTTPS * \ **permissionAccess**\ - Requires user has at least one of the listed permission to access the URL * \ **userAccess**\ - User specific access for a URL, such as motech or admin, when combined with permission access they act as an either or (one must be true) * \ **priority**\ - For future use in determining the ordering of filter chains, may be deprecated depending on UI implementation * \ **rest**\ - Whether the endpoint is meant for a form login process or as an REST end-point that does not create a session for the * \ **origin**\ - The module or user the rule originated from * \ **version**\ - The version of the module or platform the rule was created * \ **methodsRequired**\ - HTTP methods the rule applies to, if ANY is used then any method is matched, if a set is used, such as GET, POST, etc, then each will have its own corresponding filter chain with the same security found in that rule Methods ------- getId ^^^^^ .. java:method:: public Long getId() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule getMethodsRequired ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public List getMethodsRequired() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule getOrigin ^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public String getOrigin() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule getPattern ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public String getPattern() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule getPermissionAccess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public List getPermissionAccess() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule getPriority ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public int getPriority() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule getProtocol ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public Protocol getProtocol() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule getSupportedSchemes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public List getSupportedSchemes() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule getUserAccess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public List getUserAccess() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule getVersion ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public String getVersion() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule isActive ^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public boolean isActive() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule isDeleted ^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public boolean isDeleted() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule isRest ^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public boolean isRest() :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setActive ^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setActive(boolean active) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setDeleted ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setDeleted(boolean deleted) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setId ^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setId(Long id) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setMethodsRequired ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setMethodsRequired(List methodsRequired) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setOrigin ^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setOrigin(String origin) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setPattern ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setPattern(String pattern) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setPermissionAccess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setPermissionAccess(List permissionAccess) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setPriority ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setPriority(int priority) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setProtocol ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setProtocol(Protocol protocol) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setRest ^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setRest(boolean rest) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setSupportedSchemes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setSupportedSchemes(List supportedSchemes) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setUserAccess ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setUserAccess(List userAccess) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule setVersion ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setVersion(String version) :outertype: MotechURLSecurityRule