.. java:import:: java.io File .. java:import:: java.io IOException JarGeneratorService =================== .. java:package:: org.motechproject.mds.service :noindex: .. java:type:: public interface JarGeneratorService This interface provides methods to create a bundle jar with all entities defined in MDS module. Fields ------ BLUEPRINT_TEMPLATE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: String BLUEPRINT_TEMPLATE :outertype: JarGeneratorService BLUEPRINT_XML ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: String BLUEPRINT_XML :outertype: JarGeneratorService BUNDLE_IMPORTS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: String BUNDLE_IMPORTS :outertype: JarGeneratorService DATANUCLEUS_PROPERTIES ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: String DATANUCLEUS_PROPERTIES :outertype: JarGeneratorService ENTITY_LIST_FILE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: String ENTITY_LIST_FILE :outertype: JarGeneratorService MDS_COMMON_CONTEXT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: String MDS_COMMON_CONTEXT :outertype: JarGeneratorService MDS_ENTITIES_CONTEXT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: String MDS_ENTITIES_CONTEXT :outertype: JarGeneratorService MDS_ENTITIES_CONTEXT_TEMPLATE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: String MDS_ENTITIES_CONTEXT_TEMPLATE :outertype: JarGeneratorService MOTECH_MDS_PROPERTIES ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: String MOTECH_MDS_PROPERTIES :outertype: JarGeneratorService PACKAGE_JDO ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: String PACKAGE_JDO :outertype: JarGeneratorService Methods ------- generate ^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: File generate() throws IOException :outertype: JarGeneratorService Generates a jar file that contains entity class definitions, repositories, interfaces, implementations of these interfaces. The jar should also contains class related with historical data and trash. :throws IOException: if an I/O error occurs while the jar is creating. :return: file that point to an entitites bundle jar. regenerateMdsDataBundle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: void regenerateMdsDataBundle(boolean buildDDE) :outertype: JarGeneratorService Constructs entities, builds and starts the entities bundle jar :param buildDDE: \ ``true``\ if class definitions for entities from outside bundles should also be created; otherwise \ ``false``\ . **See also:** :java:ref:`.generate()` regenerateMdsDataBundle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: void regenerateMdsDataBundle(boolean buildDDE, boolean startBundle) :outertype: JarGeneratorService Constructs entities, builds the entities bundle jar. The generated bundle will start only if the \ **startBundle**\ will be set to \ ``true``\ . :param buildDDE: \ ``true``\ if class definitions for entities from outside bundles should also be created; otherwise \ ``false``\ . :param startBundle: \ ``true``\ if the generated bundle should start; otherwise \ ``false``\ . **See also:** :java:ref:`.generate()` regenerateMdsDataBundleAfterDdeEnhancement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: void regenerateMdsDataBundleAfterDdeEnhancement(String moduleName) :outertype: JarGeneratorService Constructs entities, builds and starts the entities bundle jar. This method should be used after DDE enhancement. It will build all DDE classes and refresh the module from which the DDE being enhanced comes from. :param moduleName: module name of the entity from which the enhanced DDE comes from **See also:** :java:ref:`.generate()`