.. java:import:: org.apache.commons.lang.builder EqualsBuilder .. java:import:: org.apache.commons.lang.builder HashCodeBuilder .. java:import:: org.apache.commons.lang.builder ToStringBuilder .. java:import:: org.apache.commons.lang.builder ToStringStyle .. java:import:: org.codehaus.jackson.annotate JsonIgnore .. java:import:: org.joda.time DateTime .. java:import:: org.joda.time LocalDate .. java:import:: org.joda.time Period .. java:import:: org.motechproject.commons.date.model Time .. java:import:: java.util Date .. java:import:: java.util List .. java:import:: java.util Map TypeDto ======= .. java:package:: org.motechproject.mds.dto :noindex: .. java:type:: public class TypeDto The \ ``TypeDto``\ class contains information about an available field in an entity. Fields ------ BLOB ^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto BLOB :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``BLOB``\ is a representation of the MDS BLOB type. BOOLEAN ^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto BOOLEAN :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``BOOLEAN``\ is a representation of the MDS Boolean type. DATE ^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto DATE :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``DATE``\ is a representation of the MDS Date type. DATETIME ^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto DATETIME :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``DATETIME``\ is a representation of the MDS DateTime type. DOUBLE ^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto DOUBLE :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``DOUBLE``\ is a representation of the MDS Decimal type. INTEGER ^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto INTEGER :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``INTEGER``\ is a representation of the MDS Integer type. LIST ^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto LIST :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``LIST``\ is a representation of the MDS Combobox type. LOCAL_DATE ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto LOCAL_DATE :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``LOCAL_DATE``\ is a representation of the \ :java:ref:`org.joda.time.LocalDate`\ type. LONG ^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto LONG :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``LONG``\ is a representation of the MDS Long type. MAP ^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto MAP :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``MAP``\ is a representation of the MDS Map type. PERIOD ^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto PERIOD :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``PERIOD``\ is a representation of the MDS Period type. STRING ^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto STRING :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``STRING``\ is a representation of the MDS String type. TIME ^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final TypeDto TIME :outertype: TypeDto Constant \ ``TIME``\ is a representation of the MDS Time type. Constructors ------------ TypeDto ^^^^^^^ .. java:constructor:: public TypeDto() :outertype: TypeDto TypeDto ^^^^^^^ .. java:constructor:: public TypeDto(String displayName, String description, String defaultName, String typeClass) :outertype: TypeDto TypeDto ^^^^^^^ .. java:constructor:: public TypeDto(Long id, String displayName, String description, String defaultName, String typeClass) :outertype: TypeDto Methods ------- equals ^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) :outertype: TypeDto {@inheritDoc} getDefaultName ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public String getDefaultName() :outertype: TypeDto getDescription ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public String getDescription() :outertype: TypeDto getDisplayName ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public String getDisplayName() :outertype: TypeDto getId ^^^^^ .. java:method:: public Long getId() :outertype: TypeDto getTypeClass ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public String getTypeClass() :outertype: TypeDto hashCode ^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @Override public int hashCode() :outertype: TypeDto {@inheritDoc} isCombobox ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @JsonIgnore public boolean isCombobox() :outertype: TypeDto isRelationship ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @JsonIgnore public boolean isRelationship() :outertype: TypeDto setDefaultName ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setDefaultName(String defaultName) :outertype: TypeDto setDescription ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setDescription(String description) :outertype: TypeDto setDisplayName ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setDisplayName(String displayName) :outertype: TypeDto setId ^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setId(Long id) :outertype: TypeDto setTypeClass ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setTypeClass(String typeClass) :outertype: TypeDto toString ^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @Override public String toString() :outertype: TypeDto {@inheritDoc}