.. java:import:: org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils .. java:import:: org.motechproject.config.core MotechConfigurationException BootstrapConfig =============== .. java:package:: org.motechproject.config.core.domain :noindex: .. java:type:: public class BootstrapConfig Represents the bootstrap configuration object. It is composed of: .. #. DBConfig - represents the database related bootstrap object. #. Tenant ID - represents the identifier of the tenant. #. Configuration source - represents the source of configuration (FILE / UI). Fields ------ CONFIG_SOURCE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final String CONFIG_SOURCE :outertype: BootstrapConfig COUCHDB_PASSWORD ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final String COUCHDB_PASSWORD :outertype: BootstrapConfig COUCHDB_URL ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final String COUCHDB_URL :outertype: BootstrapConfig COUCHDB_USERNAME ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final String COUCHDB_USERNAME :outertype: BootstrapConfig DEFAULT_TENANT_ID ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final String DEFAULT_TENANT_ID :outertype: BootstrapConfig SQL_DRIVER ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final String SQL_DRIVER :outertype: BootstrapConfig SQL_PASSWORD ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final String SQL_PASSWORD :outertype: BootstrapConfig SQL_URL ^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final String SQL_URL :outertype: BootstrapConfig SQL_USER ^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final String SQL_USER :outertype: BootstrapConfig TENANT_ID ^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: public static final String TENANT_ID :outertype: BootstrapConfig Constructors ------------ BootstrapConfig ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:constructor:: public BootstrapConfig(DBConfig couchDbConfig, SQLDBConfig sqlConfig, String tenantId, ConfigSource configSource) :outertype: BootstrapConfig :param couchDbConfig: :param sqlConfig: :param tenantId: :param configSource: :throws org.motechproject.config.core.MotechConfigurationException: if dbConfig is null. Methods ------- equals ^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @Override public boolean equals(Object o) :outertype: BootstrapConfig getConfigSource ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public ConfigSource getConfigSource() :outertype: BootstrapConfig getCouchDbConfig ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public DBConfig getCouchDbConfig() :outertype: BootstrapConfig getSqlConfig ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public SQLDBConfig getSqlConfig() :outertype: BootstrapConfig getTenantId ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public String getTenantId() :outertype: BootstrapConfig hashCode ^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @Override public int hashCode() :outertype: BootstrapConfig toString ^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @Override public String toString() :outertype: BootstrapConfig