.. java:import:: org.joda.time DateTime .. java:import:: org.motechproject.admin.messages Level .. java:import:: org.motechproject.mds.annotations Entity .. java:import:: org.motechproject.mds.annotations Field StatusMessage ============= .. java:package:: org.motechproject.admin.domain :noindex: .. java:type:: @Entity public class StatusMessage Represents a message displayed in the 'messages' section of the Admin UI. Persisted by MDS module. Apart from the message and its \ :java:ref:`Level`\ , contains also information about the module that sent the message. The timeout field represents the \ :java:ref:`DateTime`\ of the message expiration. Constructors ------------ StatusMessage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:constructor:: public StatusMessage() :outertype: StatusMessage StatusMessage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:constructor:: public StatusMessage(String text, String moduleName, Level level) :outertype: StatusMessage StatusMessage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:constructor:: public StatusMessage(String text, String moduleName, Level level, DateTime timeout) :outertype: StatusMessage Methods ------- getDate ^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public DateTime getDate() :outertype: StatusMessage getLevel ^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public Level getLevel() :outertype: StatusMessage getModuleName ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public String getModuleName() :outertype: StatusMessage getText ^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public String getText() :outertype: StatusMessage getTimeout ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public DateTime getTimeout() :outertype: StatusMessage setDate ^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setDate(DateTime date) :outertype: StatusMessage setLevel ^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setLevel(Level level) :outertype: StatusMessage setModuleName ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setModuleName(String moduleName) :outertype: StatusMessage setText ^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setText(String text) :outertype: StatusMessage setTimeout ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void setTimeout(DateTime timeout) :outertype: StatusMessage